Monday, 30 June 2014

Teachers must have ....

Continuation ......

As i mentioned earlier in my posts , creativity is very important in a teacher . I would like to draw your attention to this trainee who , in her attempt to try something different in her teaching , carried out her lesson in the open-aired scholl hall !!

She carried out a game where the pupils have to
choose which food goes into which basket... it was a 
simple game but the kids loved it... it was a bit chaotic  but
The trainee managed to pull it off... congrats

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Humour ....something for TESLians to ponder upon...

 This was taken from a store selling CDs and books for learning English .... Surprised ???

Rules and regulations at a playland

This was actually printed on a box containing a notebook cable , sold in a well known supermarket ...

FINALLY ........

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Tuesday, 3 June 2014


Assalammualaikum and a good day to all ....

Kita stop dulu all the reviews on Practicum and lets talk about the grand finale of this semester .. that is the END OF SEMESTER EXAM ....

Marking my students' exam papers really opened my eyes as to how good or bad a trainee can be when it comes to studying for exam and eventually answering the exam questions . I found out a few things that the trainees did , among them :

1. They rewrite the questions in the answer column ... FOR UNKNOWN REASONS !
2. They talk about WHAT the model , theory or activity when the question asked for HOW to apply the
    theory , model or activity .
3. A doctor's handwriting ( no explanations needed )
4. Poor subject -verb - agreement
5. Short explanations and even shorter examples

A review on the above statements

1. Rewriting the questions will make your answers seem longer . The longer the better they say . What's the use of having a long winded answer which carried only one point ? You are wasting precious time on this when you can be answering other questions which you are familiar with... in an exam , you are not advised to waste your time ...every second counts !!

2. I asked some students after the exam and found that they knew the answer ! They knew that they have to give the how and not the what ! Their answer was that they got carried away while answering and in a split second got derailed out of the context of the question .
A few other students claimed that they were confused on the what is a model , theory and activity .

3. Bad handwriting . ..very bad handwriting ... makes your answers unreadable .Marks cannot be awarded if the answers given could not be read .... as simple as that ...

4. Subject-verb agreement is the basic in English ...should be mastered by ALL TESLians . Not an excuse for getting it wrong .

5. Poor elaboration skills ....due to not enough facts ...from not enough reading . If you have enough facts , you can write and elaborate more . Read here means STUDY . Please find time to study . Do not depend on your lecturers' notes alone . Find more from the library or the net .

There are a few more concerns from the students the above five quite cover it .