Sunday, 13 September 2015

Pointers for 1st semester students

Hello one and all.... i should have written about this earlier but i was caught up in work .... welll, better late than never ..right..?

So...what was it that i should have written earlier you may ask... it's the little matter known as ASSIGNMENTS ..... you know...the small booklet that contains words ... or other stuff that your lecturer asks you to prepare in an allocated time frame...

Yessssss....THAT assignment....

When preparing assignments,  please take note on some requirements to be fulfilled.

1. The colour of the cover page....
 Please pay attention to the course coordinator's instructions because HE/SHE is the one who prepared the assignment. He will tell you what colour should the cover be in.

2. The content of an assignment

 Basically , an assignment consists of :
 a) content page
 b) essay
 c) reference page
      - books , journals etc
 d) appendix
       - articles , pictures etc

3. If you are asked to prepare a cd and you wish to attach it in your assignment booklet or in an envelope.  Whatever the containment is, please put the cds into cd sleeves as shown below.

and NOT in plastic bags as the one below. ..PLEASE ... 

One more.......Most important......


3 students' assignments ..supposed to be from the same lecturer and on the same subject !! But somehow they looked as if  they're from different classes and/or from different lecturers ....!!!!!  hhmmmmm 

Assignments are formal AND serious piece of please give it your SERIOUS and FORMAL attention. 

Good luck to all of you for this coming exam......