Saturday, 15 July 2017


Assalammualaikum to all ....

The first Pacticum  for my mentees is here and i have received so many stories    ( don't want to call them reports ) regarding their classes . The stories were interesting ...a mixture of sadness , frustration , happiness , amazement and more. I love it when they tell me these things. This shows that they are actually experiencing the realities of the world of education . Something that you cannot get from text books or university lectures . You have to BE there and LIVE the moment in the classroom .

Each class , pupil or subject is unique . There is no such thing as generalization . To teach Year 3, you have to have this and this and this . This is generalizing . This is what you should NOT do . You will know how to teach the class once you enter it .

I was asked about teaching TMK (Information Technology and Communication) which involves teaching children anti virus , database etc ..facts about computers. The catch is , whatever being taught or shown cannot be practiced due to the limited capabilities of the Chrome Book that they are using . As a result , the pupils starts to lose interest after 10 minutes .They start to run around the class, playing and sit on desks  "How to teach them " they asked me .

My advice is , "Teach as how you teach your in-class lessons" . Make them move , rearrange their seating....things that you do if you are having a lesson in an ordinary classroom instead of a computer laboratory .

This is an idea on how to teach the topic Anti virus in TMK . Play the 'Fox and the Hen' game .  The fox is the virus and the hen is the antivirus which is trying to protect the chicks ( the files in the computer  ) . Just remember that the space in the laboratory is limited so up to you to find a remedy for that .

Another topic is Database . Form a circle(s) ( or a square , triangle etc ) . In three minutes ( or after a whistle blow ) ask the pupils to ask the person on their right , their personal biodata . After that , ask the person on their left . Ask them to present in front of the class. 

These two activities can be used as the induction set or attention grabber before we go to lesson proper . If we bring fun to the pupils , they will look forward to our future lessons AND hopefully more cooperative .

Friday, 14 July 2017

For teachers of tomorrow....

Assalammualaikum ...Salam Syawal everyone ....

Upon reading the news , it is apparent that in the future , the teaching profession is only for those who are interested in becoming a teacher due to the lack of financing by the government .

To look at it in the positive point of view , this turn of events is actually a blessing in disguise . In the previous years , the are trainees who tend to quit their studies in the teachers' college due to lost of interest n the profession . Lost of interest is acceptable if it happened in the beginning of the study , for example during the first year ( foundation ) but it is totally irritating and unacceptable if it happened in the final year of the study .

Having said that , to the Muslim would-be-teachers , please perform the Solat istaqarah before filling in the form to become teachers . Ask Allah to decide for you as HIS decision is the best .

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Practicum Dos and Don'ts

Assalammualaikum and a good day to all...

The moment has arrived ... my mentees are out for practicum and i have two under my wing . To all those who are undergoing practicum these three months , I wish you all the BEST !! Don't do things that I would't do ... Here are some tips , if you want to call them that..

1. 1st impression .
As a trainee , in a new and alien environment , you may want to give a good / great 1st impression to the the teachers and staff there . Remember these hick ups from some of your seniours :
1.i. In the Staff room
     - Do not sleep / nap - find things to do like prepare your RPH or teaching aids
     - Do not Whatsapp , facebook , Wechat , Instagram (to name a few ) during school hours . It 's               truly a waste of time and gives a bad impression to the teachers around you .
     - Socialize - do not keep to yourself or your partner . Mingle with the other teachers or the          
       workers. One thing that the school community hates is a newbie who doesn't want to mingle . It          gives the impression that you are a snobbish person .
     - Ask if you are in doubt - asking is part of learning . If you face any trouble in any area , ASK !!  
       Do not ASSUME in any circumstances whatsoever !!! ASK for clarification ...

2. Classroom
When entering the classroom , things are not the same as when you were carrying out your PBS .Your practicum is for 3 MONTHS whereas your PBS was only for 1 week . Meaning that you will be seeing them for 3 months . If you manage to control them , you'll have 3 months of heaven , if not ....

After teaching the class for 2 days , a please do not expect them to be a native speaker of English language . You are in the school for training , remember that !! Class control is the first thing that you HAVE to think of . Once established , only THEN you can deliver your lesson SUCCESSFULLY . If you cannot control the class, you will be screaming and yelling and threatening the pupils the whole lesson . Lastly , you will cry and the pupils will go home as empty as how they came to school in the morning .

That is all FOR NOW... do your best .

Monday, 3 July 2017


Assalammualaikum and a Happy Eidulfitri to everyone especially those who celebrate it .

Gone was the 1 month of fasting . Alhamdulillah , managed to pass that without any failures .
Now is the month of Syawal and the 6 extra days of fasting THAT is the problem. This '6-day-fasting' really tests your will , to see whethehr you can ( or not ) withstand 'hunger .

Still waiting for the new groups to register as students of IPG Ipoh . Hope that they will become great and responsible teachers .