Thursday, 17 October 2019

2019 .. the other half

Assalammualaikum and a good day to all..

It is now the end of the second semester.... It has been a very busy year which has taken a lot of my attention and time . A lot of things had happened and most of them were sad . We had to say goodbye to our colleagues who retired one by one and also not to forget , a senior colleague who passed away.To make it worse , those gone were the hardcore of our English unit. We , as young lecturers would turn to them for consultation or just a friendly advice. Next year , more will follow suit. This will result in MORE teaching hours for us and everything that comes with it., namely more assignments and exam papers to be marked , not to mention more students to be supervised for practicum.

Not to forget our graduated trainees , the Q group who had managed to 'survive' the 5 year teacher training program. What's even sadder was the fact that I was the mentor for the Q TESL group. Saying goodbye to them was really the hardest thing for me to do as they were like my own children. Latest news from them was that they are to report for duty in Selangor and Wilayah Persekutuan. Congratulations . I am so proud of them . Hope they will be the best teachers ever.

Final exam is just around the corner. This week is the beginning of their study week and they are allowed to return to their 'kampungs', leaving us lecturers here in campus. Well, time to finish up all the 'unfinished' business ( if any ) before the semester ends. Let's get busy !!