Friday, 17 December 2021

Another December

 Assalammualaikum and a great day to all.

Another December , another end of a year. 2021 is a great year. So many things had happened up till now. Some were sweet , some were not. Some were beautiful while some were ugly as sin !! Whatever it is\was, we as Allah's creations can only accept whatever HE has in store for us. Learn to accept fate with an open heart and live life to the fullest. Trust in Allah as HE has the best plans for us . Joining IPG has opened my eyes to this part of life that I have never given a second thought before. It is true. By accepting Allah's plans ,we can be more grateful servant.

Friday, 2 July 2021


 Assalammualaikum and a great day to all.

We are now in the month of July and the nation's MCO has been stretched to mid July instead of early July. A lot of things have happened that made us open our eyes on how the MCO has affected our lives. We now have the white flag campaign, a chance for us to help those who are in need of help, those who have lost their monthly income due to this pandemic but still have mouths to feed.

As government servants, we are blessed with our monthly income still in our bank accounts at the end of each month. Due to this, it is our duty to help ease the burden suffered by the less fortunate others. Just give what you can, be it money or even your time. The re are some NGOs who are looking for people like you to act as volunteers to help them help the needy. By helping them, we are actually helping ourselves to be a better person. Cheers



Monday, 22 March 2021

A New Year

 Assalammualaikum and a great day to all. 2021 is here and we in the third month of this great year. Covid 19 is here to stay. After the success of controlling the pandemic to 0 , SOME people were too relaxed and thought that it was ok for them to travel the world again . What do you know, IT IS HERE AGAIN, infecting Malaysians to the thousands. Too late to point fingers. Time to act. Do our part .Stay safe. Wear your face masks and keep your 1 metre distance from each other. 

That being said...

It is practicum time again ... in the MCO . A different scenario in the classrooms. Pupils and teachers with masks on and the arrangement of the pupils' tables a metre apart are some of the new norm introduced to schools. However, teaching and learning still goes on . My students are put in schools to gain as much experience of being a teacher as they can.

Pandemic is not an excuse. Give your best and do not be afraid to make mistakes. 

Cheers ...